The sew_loli community I participate in over on Livejournal is having a B&W contest. I decided to enter it, using some B&W fabric I had been planning on using for some time. The dress didn't turn out perfect, but I guess its okay. As you can see, the front isn't great. It needed something to fit the dress better in the back, pulling it closer to my waist. I also needed to make the bodice a little longer.
The back is uneven, but not as bad as the picture makes it seem. It was just at a strange angle. The bow is a little floppy.
Things I learned:
1. Bodices should be cut at least three inches longer than you intend.
2. Bustle Skirts are fun.
3. When you serge the edge of something you're going to gather, it sits fine without folding and sewing the serged hem under. It also looks fine, and in fact, many Lolita brands leave "raw" edges like that.
4. DO NOT fudge gathering.
5. Always always always have some sort of fitting besides shirring.
Overall I'd give this dress a 3/5 for look and a 5/5 for teaching me things. I learned a lot about this kind of OP. I look forward to making more like this, but with longer boddices and using the ruffler foot my mum ordered me from Amazon.
I look forward to making dresses I can sell too.